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Jee advance (03 october)2021 answer key

Jee advance answer key 2021
JEE Advance 2021 answer key

 Chemistry Paper 1

Q.1 The major product formed in the following reaction is

Ans: B

Q2.Among the following, the conformation that corresponds to the most stable

conformation of meso-butane-2,3-diol is


Q.3 For the given close packed structure of a salt made of cation X and anion Y shown

below (ions of only one face are shown for clarity), the packing fraction is

approximately (packing fraction =packing efficiency/100)

(A) 0.74       (B) 0.63      (C) 0.52          (D) 0.48

Ans B 0.63

4.The calculated spin only magnetic moments of [Cr(NH3)6]3+ and [CuF6]3–in BM, respectively, are

(Atomic numbers of Cr and Cu are 24 and 29, respectively)

(A) 3.87 and 2.84          (B) 4.90 and 1.73 

(C) 3.87 and 1.73           (D) 4.90 and 2.84


Q5.For the following reaction scheme, percentage yields are given along the arrow:

x g and y g are mass of R and U, respectively.

(Use: Molar mass (in g mol–1

) of H, C and O as 1, 12 and 16, respectively)

Q.5 The value of x is ___.

Q.6 The value of y is ___.

For the reaction, ๐—(๐‘ ) ⇌ ๐˜(๐‘ ) + ๐™(๐‘”), the plot of ln ๐‘๐™๐‘oversus104๐‘‡is given below (insolid line), where ๐‘๐™

is the pressure (in bar) of the gas Z at temperature T and ๐‘o = 1 bar.(Given, d (ln ๐พ)

d (1๐‘‡)= −∆๐ปo๐‘…

, where the equilibrium constant, ๐พ =๐‘๐‘ง๐‘oand

the gas constant, R = 8.314 J K–1 mol–1


Q.7 The value of standard enthalpy, ∆๐ปo

(in kJ mol–1) for the given reaction is ___.

Ans is : -2×8.314×10 kj/mol

Q.8 The value of ∆๐‘†o(in J K–1 mol–1

) for the given reaction, at 1000 K is ___.

 Ans:Delta s = 17×8.314

The boiling point of water in a 0.1 molal silver nitrate solution (solution A) is x C.

To this solution A, an equal volume of 0.1 molal aqueous barium chloride solution

is added to make a new solution B. The difference in the boiling points of water in

the two solutions A and B is y × 102


(Assume: Densities of the solutions A and B are the same as that of water and the

soluble salts dissociate completely.

Use: Molal elevation constant (Ebullioscopic Constant), ๐พ๐‘= 0.5 K kg mol1


Boiling point of pure water as 100 C.)

Q.9 The value of x is ___.

Ans: 100.1°c

Q.10 The value of |y| is ___.

Ans: 2.5

Q.13 The correct statement(s) related to colloids is(are)

(A) The process of precipitating colloidal sol by an electrolyte is called peptization.

(B) Colloidal solution freezes at higher temperature than the true solution at the

same concentration.

(C) Surfactants form micelle above critical micelle concentration (CMC). CMCdepends on temperature.

(D) Micelles are macromolecular colloids.

Q.14 An ideal gas undergoes a reversible isothermal expansion from state I to state II

followed by a reversible adiabatic expansion from state II to state III. The correct

plot(s) representing the changes from state I to state III is(are)

(p: pressure, V: volume, T: temperature, H: enthalpy, S: entropy)

Ans is option A, Band D

Q.15 The correct statement(s) related to the metal extraction processes is(are)

(A) A mixture of PbS and PbO undergoes self-reduction to produce Pb and SO2.

(B) In the extraction process of copper from copper pyrites, silica is added to produce

copper silicate.

(C) Partial oxidation of sulphide ore of copper by roasting, followed by self-reduction

produces blister copper.

(D) In cyanide process, zinc powder is utilized to precipitate gold from Na[Au(CN)2].

Ans is A, C, D

Q.17 The maximum number of possible isomers (including stereoisomers) which may be

formed on mono-bromination of 1-methylcyclohex-1-ene using Br2 and UV light

is ___.

Q.19 The total number of possible isomers for [Pt(NH3)4Cl2]Br2 is ___.  Ans is 6

Jee advance 2021 Math paper 1

Q.1 Let

๐‘†1 = {(๐‘–,๐‘—, ๐‘˜) ∶ ๐‘–,๐‘—, ๐‘˜ ∈ {1,2, … ,10}},

๐‘†2 = {(๐‘–,๐‘—) ∶ 1 ≤ ๐‘– < ๐‘— + 2 ≤ 10, ๐‘–,๐‘— ∈ {1,2, … , 10}},

๐‘†3 = {(๐‘–,๐‘—, ๐‘˜, ๐‘™) ∶ 1 ≤ ๐‘– < ๐‘— < ๐‘˜ < ๐‘™, ๐‘–,๐‘—, ๐‘˜, ๐‘™ ∈ {1,2, … ,10}}


๐‘†4 = {(๐‘–,๐‘—, ๐‘˜, ๐‘™) ∶ ๐‘–,๐‘—, ๐‘˜ and ๐‘™ are distinct elements in {1,2, … ,10}}.

If the total number of elements in the set ๐‘†๐‘Ÿ

is ๐‘›๐‘Ÿ

, ๐‘Ÿ = 1,2,3,4, then which of the

following statements is (are) TRUE ?

(A) ๐‘›1 = 1000

 (B) ๐‘›2 = 44

 (C) ๐‘›3 = 220

 (D) ๐‘›4/12= 420

 Ans is abd option



  Ans :( acd )

Q18. E be the ellipse ๐‘ฅ^2/16+๐‘ฆ^2/9= 1. For any three distinct points ๐‘ƒ,๐‘„ and ๐‘„′ on E, let

๐‘€(๐‘ƒ, ๐‘„) be the mid-point of the line segment joining P and ๐‘„, and ๐‘€(๐‘ƒ, ๐‘„′) be the

mid-point of the line segment joining P and ๐‘„′. Then the maximum possible value

of the distance between ๐‘€(๐‘ƒ,๐‘„) and ๐‘€(๐‘ƒ,๐‘„′), as ๐‘ƒ,๐‘„ and ๐‘„

′ vary on ๐ธ, is ___ .

Ans:' (c)  4

Jee advance 2021  solved Mathe paper 2

Q.1 Consider a triangle ∆ whose two sides lie on the x-axis and the line ๐‘ฅ + ๐‘ฆ + 1 = 0.
If the orthocenter of ∆ is (1, 1), then the equation of the circle passing through the
vertices of the triangle ∆ is

(A) ๐‘ฅ^2 + ๐‘ฆ^2 − 3๐‘ฅ + ๐‘ฆ = 0

 (B) ๐‘ฅ^2 + ๐‘ฆ^2 + ๐‘ฅ + 3๐‘ฆ = 0

(C) ๐‘ฅ^2 + ๐‘ฆ^2 + 2๐‘ฆ − 1 = 0

(D) ๐‘ฅ^2 + ๐‘ฆ^2 + ๐‘ฅ + ๐‘ฆ = 0

Ans: c 

Q2.The area of the region
{(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ) ∶ 0 ≤ ๐‘ฅ ≤ 9/4, 0 ≤ ๐‘ฆ ≤ 1, ๐‘ฅ ≥ 3๐‘ฆ, ๐‘ฅ + ๐‘ฆ ≥ 2} is

(A) 11/32

(B) 35/96

(C) 37/96

(D) 13/32

Q.3 Consider three sets ๐ธ1 = {1, 2, 3}, ๐น1 = {1, 3, 4} and ๐บ1 = {2, 3, 4, 5}. Two
elements are chosen at random, without replacement, from the set ๐ธ1
, and let ๐‘†1
denote the set of these chosen elements. Let ๐ธ2 = ๐ธ1 − ๐‘†1 and ๐น2 = ๐น1 ∪ ๐‘†1
. Now
two elements are chosen at random, without replacement, from the set ๐น2 and let ๐‘†2
denote the set of these chosen elements.
Let ๐บ2 = ๐บ1 ∪ ๐‘†2
. Finally, two elements are chosen at random, without replacement,
from the set ๐บ2 and let ๐‘†3 denote the set of these chosen elements.
Let ๐ธ3 = ๐ธ2 ∪ ๐‘†3
. Given that ๐ธ1= ๐ธ3
, let p be the conditional probability of the event
๐‘†1 = {1, 2}. Then the value of p is

(A) 1/5

(B) 3/5

(C) 1/2

(D) 2/5

Q.4  Let ๐œƒ1, ๐œƒ2
, … , ๐œƒ10 be positive valued angles (in radian) such that
๐œƒ1 + ๐œƒ2 + ⋯ + ๐œƒ10 = 2๐œ‹. Define the complex numbers ๐‘ง1 = ๐‘’
๐‘–๐œƒ1, ๐‘ง๐‘˜ = ๐‘ง๐‘˜−1๐‘’
for ๐‘˜ = 2, 3, … , 10, where ๐‘– = √−1 . Consider the statements ๐‘ƒ and ๐‘„ given
๐‘ƒ : |๐‘ง2 − ๐‘ง1| + |๐‘ง3 − ๐‘ง2| + ⋯ + |๐‘ง10 − ๐‘ง9| + |๐‘ง1 − ๐‘ง10| ≤ 2๐œ‹

๐‘„ : |๐‘ง22 − ๐‘ง12| + |๐‘ง32 − ๐‘ง22| + ⋯ + |๐‘ง102 − ๐‘ง92
| + |๐‘ง12 − ๐‘ง102| ≤ 4๐œ‹


(A) P is TRUE and ๐‘„ is FALSE

(B) ๐‘„ is TRUE and P is FALSE

(C) both P and ๐‘„ are TRUE

(D) both P and ๐‘„ are FALSE

Three numbers are chosen at random, one after another with replacement, from the 
set ๐‘† = {1,2,3, … ,100}. Let ๐‘1 be the probability that the maximum of chosen 
numbers is at least 81 and ๐‘2 be the probability that the minimum of chosen numbers 
is at most 40.

Q.5 The value of 625/4๐‘1 is ___ .

Q.6 The value of 125/4๐‘2 is ____ .

Let ๐›ผ, ๐›ฝ and ๐›พ be real numbers such that the system of linear equations
๐‘ฅ + 2๐‘ฆ + 3๐‘ง = ๐›ผ
4๐‘ฅ + 5๐‘ฆ + 6๐‘ง = ๐›ฝ
7๐‘ฅ + 8๐‘ฆ + 9๐‘ง = ๐›พ − 1
is consistent. Let |๐‘€| represent the determinant of the matrix

๐‘€ = [๐›ผ     2       ๐›พ   ]
         ๐›ฝ      1       0
         -1      0      1

Let ๐‘ƒ be the plane containing all those (๐›ผ, ๐›ฝ, ๐›พ) for which the above system of linear
equations is consistent, and ๐ท be the square of the distance of the point (0, 1, 0)
from the plane ๐‘ƒ.

Q.7 The value of |M| is ___ .

Q.8 The value of ๐ท is ___ .

Consider the lines ๐ฟ1 and ๐ฟ2 defined by
๐ฟ1: ๐‘ฅ√2 + ๐‘ฆ − 1 = 0 and   ๐ฟ2: ๐‘ฅ√2 − ๐‘ฆ + 1 = 0

For a fixed constant ฮป, let ๐ถ be the locus of a point ๐‘ƒ such that the product of the
distance of ๐‘ƒ from ๐ฟ1 and the distance of ๐‘ƒ from ๐ฟ2 is ๐œ†^2. The line ๐‘ฆ = 2๐‘ฅ + 1
meets ๐ถ at two points ๐‘… and ๐‘†, where the distance between ๐‘… and ๐‘† is √270.
Let the perpendicular bisector of ๐‘…๐‘† meet ๐ถ at two distinct points ๐‘…′ and ๐‘†
. Let ๐ท
be the square of the distance between ๐‘…′ and ๐‘†′.

.9 The value of ๐œ†^2is ___ .

Q.10 The value of ๐ท is ___ .

Q.11 For any 3 × 3 matrix ๐‘€, let |๐‘€| denote the determinant of ๐‘€. Let
๐ธ = [1    2      3
         2   3      4
        8   13    18],

 ๐‘ƒ = [
          1   0    0
          0   0     1
          0   1     0]

and ๐น = [
1     3      2
8   18      13
2     4       3]

If ๐‘„ is a nonsingular matrix of order 3 × 3, then which of the following statements
is (are) TRUE ?

(A) ๐น = ๐‘ƒ๐ธ๐‘ƒ and
 ๐‘ƒ^2 = [
1     0      0
0     1      0
0     0      1

(B) |๐ธ๐‘„ + ๐‘ƒ๐น๐‘„−1| = |๐ธ๐‘„| + |๐‘ƒ๐น๐‘„−1|

(C) |(๐ธ๐น)3| > |๐ธ๐น|2

(D) Sum of the diagonal entries of ๐‘ƒ
−1๐ธ๐‘ƒ + ๐น is equal to the sum of diagonal
entries of ๐ธ + ๐‘ƒ−1๐น๐‘ƒ

Q.12 Let ๐‘“: โ„ → โ„ be defined by
๐‘“(๐‘ฅ)= ๐‘ฅ^2 − 3๐‘ฅ − 6/ ๐‘ฅ^2 + 2๐‘ฅ + 4

Then which of the following statements is (are) TRUE ?
(A) ๐‘“ is decreasing in the interval (−2, −1)
(B) ๐‘“ is increasing in the interval (1, 2)
(C) ๐‘“ is onto
(D) Range of ๐‘“ is [−3/2, 2]

Ans: A, D

Q.13 Let ๐ธ, ๐น and G be three events having probabilities
๐‘ƒ(๐ธ) =18 , ๐‘ƒ(๐น) =16  and ๐‘ƒ(๐บ) =14
, and let ๐‘ƒ(๐ธ ∩ ๐น ∩ ๐บ) =110
For any event ๐ป, if ๐ป
๐‘ denotes its complement, then which of the following
statements is (are) TRUE ?
(A) ๐‘ƒ(๐ธ ∩ ๐น ∩ ๐บ๐‘) ≤140

(B) ๐‘ƒ(๐ธ๐‘ ∩ ๐น ∩ ๐บ) ≤115

(C) ๐‘ƒ(๐ธ ∪ ๐น ∪ ๐บ) ≤1324

(D) ๐‘ƒ(๐ธ๐‘ ∩ ๐น๐‘ ∩ ๐บ๐‘) ≤512

Q.14 For any 3 × 3 matrix ๐‘€, let |๐‘€| denote the determinant of ๐‘€. Let ๐ผ be the
3 × 3 identity matrix. Let ๐ธ and ๐น be two 3 × 3 matrices such that (๐ผ − ๐ธ๐น) is
invertible. If ๐บ = (๐ผ − ๐ธ๐น)−1
, then which of the following statements is (are)
(A) |๐น๐ธ| = |๐ผ − ๐น๐ธ||๐น๐บ๐ธ|

 (B) (๐ผ − ๐น๐ธ)(๐ผ + ๐น๐บ๐ธ) = ๐ผ

(C) ๐ธ๐น๐บ = ๐บ๐ธ๐น

 (D) (๐ผ − ๐น๐ธ)(๐ผ − ๐น๐บ๐ธ) = ๐ผ

Q.15 For any positive integer ๐‘›, let ๐‘†๐‘›: (0, ∞) → โ„ be defined by
(๐‘ฅ) = ∑ cot−1 (1 + ๐‘˜(๐‘˜ + 1)๐‘ฅ2๐‘ฅ)๐‘›๐‘˜=1,

where for any ๐‘ฅ ∈ โ„, cot−1
(๐‘ฅ) ∈ (0, ๐œ‹) and tan−1
(๐‘ฅ) ∈ (−๐œ‹2,ฯ€2). Then which of
the following statements is (are) TRUE ?
(A) ๐‘†10(๐‘ฅ) =๐œ‹2− tan−1(1+11๐‘ฅ2 10๐‘ฅ
), for all ๐‘ฅ > 0
(B) lim
cot(๐‘†๐‘›(๐‘ฅ)) = ๐‘ฅ, for all ๐‘ฅ > 0
(C) The equation ๐‘†3
(๐‘ฅ) =
has a root in (0, ∞)
(D) tan(๐‘†๐‘›
(๐‘ฅ)) ≤
, for all ๐‘› ≥ 1 and ๐‘ฅ > 0

Q.16 For any complex number ๐‘ค = ๐‘ + ๐‘–๐‘‘, let arg(w) ∈ (−๐œ‹, ๐œ‹], where ๐‘– = √−1 . Let
๐›ผ and ๐›ฝ be real numbers such that for all complex numbers ๐‘ง = ๐‘ฅ + ๐‘–๐‘ฆ satisfying
arg (
) =
, the ordered pair (๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ) lies on the circle
2 + ๐‘ฆ
2 + 5๐‘ฅ − 3๐‘ฆ + 4 = 0
Then which of the following statements is (are) TRUE ?
(A) ๐›ผ = −1 (B) ๐›ผ๐›ฝ = 4 (C) ๐›ผ๐›ฝ = −4 (D) ๐›ฝ = 4

Ans is B, D

Q.17 For ๐‘ฅ ∈ โ„, the number of real roots of the equation

3๐‘ฅ^2 − 4|๐‘ฅ^2 − 1| + ๐‘ฅ − 1 = 0 is ___ .

Ans:      (-1/6 ,  -13/12) number of sollution is 4

Q.18 In a triangle ๐ด๐ต๐ถ, let ๐ด๐ต = √23, ๐ต๐ถ = 3 and ๐ถ๐ด = 4. Then the value of

cot ๐ด + cot ๐ถ

cot ๐ต

is ___ .

Q.19 Let ๐‘ข⃗ , ๐‘ฃ⃗ and ๐‘ค⃗ be vectors in three-dimensional space, where ๐‘ข⃗ and ๐‘ฃ⃗ are unit

vectors which are not perpendicular to each other and

๐‘ข⃗ ⋅ ๐‘ค⃗ = 1, ๐‘ฃ⃗ ⋅ ๐‘ค⃗ = 1, ๐‘ค⃗ ⋅ ๐‘ค⃗ = 4

If the volume of the parallelopiped, whose adjacent sides are represented by the

vectors ๐‘ข⃗ , ๐‘ฃ⃗ and ๐‘ค⃗ , is √2 , then the value of |3 ๐‘ข⃗ +5 ๐‘ฃ⃗ | is ___ .

Jee advance 2021 physices paper 2

Q1.One end of a horizontal uniform beam of weight ๐‘Š and length ๐ฟ is hinged on a 
vertical wall at point O and its other end is supported by a light inextensible rope. 
The other end of the rope is fixed at point Q, at a height ๐ฟ above the hinge at point 
O. A block of weight ๐›ผ๐‘Š is attached at the point P of the beam, as shown in the 
figure (not to scale). The rope can sustain a maximum tension of (2√2)๐‘Š. Which 
of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?

(A) The vertical component of reaction force at O does not depend on ๐›ผ

(B) The horizontal component of reaction force at O is equal to ๐‘Š for ๐›ผ = 0.5

(C) The tension in the rope is 2๐‘Š for ๐›ผ = 0.5

(D) The rope breaks if ๐›ผ > 1.5

Ans is A, B, D

Q.2 A source, approaching with speed ๐‘ข towards the open end of a stationary pipe of 
length ๐ฟ, is emitting a sound of frequency ๐‘“๐‘ 
. The farther end of the pipe is closed. 
The speed of sound in air is ๐‘ฃ and ๐‘“0
is the fundamental frequency of the pipe. For 
which of the following combination(s) of ๐‘ข and ๐‘“๐‘ 
, will the sound reaching the pipe 
lead to a resonance?

(A) ๐‘ข = 0.8๐‘ฃ and ๐‘“๐‘  = ๐‘“0

(B) ๐‘ข = 0.8๐‘ฃ and ๐‘“๐‘  = 2๐‘“0

(C) ๐‘ข = 0.8๐‘ฃ and ๐‘“๐‘  = 0.5๐‘“0

(D) ๐‘ข = 0.5๐‘ฃ and ๐‘“๐‘  = 1.5๐‘“0

Ans is A, D

Q.3 For a prism of prism angle ๐œƒ = 60°, the refractive indices of the left half and the
right half are, respectively, ๐‘›1 and ๐‘›2
(๐‘›2 ≥ ๐‘›1
) as shown in the figure. The angle
of incidence ๐‘– is chosen such that the incident light rays will have minimum
deviation if ๐‘›1 = ๐‘›2 = ๐‘› = 1.5. For the case of unequal refractive indices, ๐‘›1 = ๐‘›
and ๐‘›2 = ๐‘› + ∆๐‘› (where ∆๐‘› ≪ ๐‘›), the angle of emergence ๐‘’ = ๐‘– + ∆๐‘’. Which of
the following statement(s) is(are) correct?

(A) The value of ∆๐‘’ (in radians) is greater than that of ∆๐‘›

(B) ∆๐‘’ is proportional to ฮ”๐‘›

(C) ฮ”๐‘’ lies between 2.0 and 3.0 milliradians, if ∆๐‘› = 2.8 × 10−3

(D) ฮ”๐‘’ lies between 1.0 and 1.6 milliradians, if ∆๐‘› = 2.8 × 10−3

Ans is C, D

Q.4 A physical quantity ๐‘†⃗ is defined as ๐‘†⃗ = (๐ธ⃗⃗ × ๐ต⃗⃗)/๐œ‡0
, where ๐ธ⃗⃗ is electric field, ๐ต⃗⃗ is
magnetic field and ๐œ‡0
is the permeability of free space. The dimensions of ๐‘†⃗ are the
same as the dimensions of which of the following quantity(ies) ?

(A) ๐ธ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘”๐‘ฆ /๐ถโ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘”๐‘’ × ๐ถ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก

(B) ๐น๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘๐‘’ /๐ฟ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘”๐‘กโ„Ž × ๐‘‡๐‘–๐‘š๐‘’

(C) ๐ธ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘”๐‘ฆ/๐‘‰๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘’

(D) ๐‘ƒ๐‘œ๐‘ค๐‘’๐‘Ÿ/๐ด๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘Ž

Ans is B, D

Q.5 A heavy nucleus ๐‘, at rest, undergoes fission ๐‘ → ๐‘ƒ + ๐‘„, where ๐‘ƒ and ๐‘„ are two
lighter nuclei. Let ๐›ฟ = ๐‘€๐‘ − ๐‘€๐‘ƒ − ๐‘€๐‘„, where ๐‘€๐‘ƒ, ๐‘€๐‘„ and ๐‘€๐‘ are the masses of ๐‘ƒ,
๐‘„ and ๐‘, respectively. ๐ธ๐‘ƒ and ๐ธ๐‘„ are the kinetic energies of ๐‘ƒ and ๐‘„, respectively.
The speeds of ๐‘ƒ and ๐‘„ are ๐‘ฃ๐‘ƒ and ๐‘ฃ๐‘„, respectively. If ๐‘ is the speed of light, which
of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?

(A) ๐ธ๐‘ƒ + ๐ธ๐‘„ = ๐‘^2๐›ฟ

(B) ๐ธ๐‘ƒ = (Mp/๐‘€๐‘ƒ+๐‘€๐‘„) ๐‘^2๐›ฟ

(C) ๐‘ฃ๐‘ƒ/๐‘ฃ๐‘„=๐‘€๐‘„/๐‘€๐‘ƒ

(D) The magnitude of momentum for ๐‘ƒ as well as ๐‘„ is ๐‘√2๐œ‡๐›ฟ, where ๐œ‡ =๐‘€๐‘ƒ๐‘€๐‘„ /(๐‘€๐‘ƒ+๐‘€๐‘„)

Ans is A, C, D

Q.6 Two concentric circular loops, one of radius ๐‘… and the other of radius 2๐‘…, lie in the
xy-plane with the origin as their common center, as shown in the figure. The smaller
loop carries current ๐ผ1
in the anti-clockwise direction and the larger loop carries
current ๐ผ2
in the clockwise direction, with ๐ผ2 > 2๐ผ1
. ๐ต⃗⃗(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ) denotes the magnetic
field at a point (๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ) in the xy-plane. Which of the following statement(s) is(are)

(A) ๐ต⃗⃗(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ) is perpendicular to the xy-plane at any point in the plane

(B) |๐ต⃗⃗(๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ)| depends on x and y only through the radial distance ๐‘Ÿ = √๐‘ฅ^2 + ๐‘ฆ^2

(C) |๐ต⃗⃗ (๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ)| is non-zero at all points for ๐‘Ÿ < ๐‘…

(D) ๐ต⃗⃗ (๐‘ฅ, ๐‘ฆ) points normally outward from the xy-plane for all the points between
the two loops

Ans is A,B

Question stem

A soft plastic bottle, filled with water of density 1 gm/cc, carries an inverted glass
test-tube with some air (ideal gas) trapped as shown in the figure. The test-tube has
a mass of 5 gm, and it is made of a thick glass of density 2.5 gm/cc. Initially the
bottle is sealed at atmospheric pressure ๐‘0 = 105 Pa so that the volume of the
trapped air is ๐‘ฃ0 = 3.3 cc. When the bottle is squeezed from outside at constant
temperature, the pressure inside rises and the volume of the trapped air reduces. It
is found that the test tube begins to sink at pressure ๐‘0 + ฮ”๐‘ without changing its
orientation. At this pressure, the volume of the trapped air is ๐‘ฃ0 − ฮ”๐‘ฃ.
Let ฮ”๐‘ฃ = ๐‘‹ cc and ฮ”๐‘ = ๐‘Œ × 103 Pa.

Q.7 The value of ๐‘‹ is ___ . ans is 0.3

Q.8 The value of ๐‘Œ is ___.ans is 9.09

A pendulum consists of a bob of mass ๐‘š = 0.1 kg and a massless inextensible string 
of length ๐ฟ = 1.0 m. It is suspended from a fixed point at height ๐ป = 0.9 m above 
a frictionless horizontal floor. Initially, the bob of the pendulum is lying on the floor 
at rest vertically below the point of suspension. A horizontal impulse 
๐‘ƒ = 0.2 kg-m/s is imparted to the bob at some instant. After the bob slides for some 
distance, the string becomes taut and the bob lifts off the floor. The magnitude of 
the angular momentum of the pendulum about the point of suspension just before 
the bob lifts off is ๐ฝ kg-m2
/s. The kinetic energy of the pendulum just after the lift-
off is ๐พ Joules.

Q.9 The value of ๐ฝ is ___ .

Q.10 The value of ๐พ is ___.

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